Getting to the root of sustainable land management in the Nama Karoo

The Endangered Wildlife Trust‘s Drylands Conservation Programme works with landowners and other stakeholders to champion sustainable land management in the Karoo. Drylands are of critical ecological importance globally. They support extensive rangeland farming, which, if carried out sustainably, is compatible with a landscape unsuitable for many other uses.
Responsible natural resource management ensures the integrity of ecosystems and the continued provision of ecosystem services to current and future generations. Implementing sustainable land management in the Karoo has the potential to not only improve agricultural production and the conservation of biodiversity, but also sustain livelihoods in this arid ecosystem indefinitely.
This platform serves as a repository for knowledge sharing products developed together with the stakeholders we work with. Please share this knowledge widely and help manage the Karoo sustainably. If you have a sustainable land management story or lesson to share, we would love to hear from you, share to